Southern Michigan
550 E. Main Street
Hudson, Michigan 49247
Office 517.448.1413
Fax 517.448.1414

Like most small towns in Michigan, Hudson was deeply affected by our stateʼs economic decline during the last decadeʼs great recession. Not satisfied to allow the past to define their future, Hudson city and school officials came together to find a solution. They understood that the key to Michiganʼs future economic development depended on filling the skills gap. On September 9, 2014, the Southern Michigan Center for Science and Industry opened its doors. Matching education with industry demands, CSI brought together a team of people with a passion to train students and adults wishing to pursue immediate employment, further training, or obtain degrees in engineering and manufacturing. CSI is Michiganʼs solution for continued economic recovery.
CSI has partnered with manufacturers and suppliers to provide accredited certification and training programs customized to meet specific industry demands. Robotics and CNC certification are offered to adults seeking to advance their careers or gain training needed by their employer, developing talent to match the increasing needs of manufacturers.
CNC Machines (Computer Numerical Control Machines) are widely used throughout the modern manufacturing industry.
Numerous Robotic jobs currently go unfilled due to shortage of skilled labor.
Training specifically designed to meet the needs of local industry.
Flexible solution to education & training needs for the individual wanting to pursue a career change or for the corporation that wants to train an employee.
Hands-on mentoring and eLearning with "Anytime, Anywhere, Any-Pace Education".
Helping adult and high school students & businesses win in the global marketplace.