Southern Michigan
550 E. Main Street
Hudson, Michigan 49247
Office 517.448.1413
Fax 517.448.1414
Frequently Asked Questions
What is SMCSI?
The Southern Michigan Center for Science and Industry is a
dynamic facility staffed with knowledgeable instructors and the latest
equipment. SMCSI offers course instruction from beginner to
advanced levels, and use industry-standard curriculum and techniques.
What is Mechatronics?
The advanced, multi-disciplinary field of engineering that is critical
to the modern manufacturing industry.
What is CNC?
Computer Numerical Control is the precise computerized automation
of Machine Tools that is essential to the demanding standards of
today's advanced manufacturing. CNC Machines are a standard
component of the modern manufacturing facility.
What is Robotics?
While the term 'robotics' technically refers to the field of engineering that is concerned with autonomously functioning machinery.
What are the advantages for my student to attend the Center?
Students that currently attend have an advantage of learning the skills they need to head straight to the workforce or have a better opportunity to be accepted to college due to the skills they are learning through our curriculum.
Is Transportation Provided?
Hudson Students are transported from Hudson High School hourly. Out of district students self transport or their district provides transportation to and from their home school.
What do I do if I can only enroll 1 or 2 hours away from my home school?
One of the best parts of being able to attend CSI is that you can enroll in what fits into your schedule. Get with your school counselor and we will try to accommodate your needs.
How is CSI different from regular high school?
At CSI instructors use a blended-learning technique that allows high school students and adults to receive hands-on experience with individualized instruction with the use of highly interactive software, using trainers, actual tools and machines.
What kind of credit do I receive on my high school transcript?
It is up to your home school district as to the credit you will receive. You should speak with your counselor and discuss your options.
Is there a cost for High School Students?
There are no cost's for students that reside in Lenawee County at this time. If you reside in any other County please contact us and we will discuss the opportunities you may have.
How much are the classes?
The CNC Operator Class is $3,650 The Robotics Class is $1,500
There are funding options available. Give us a call we will be happy to go over that and help assist in any way we can.
How many weeks is the adult class?
The CNC Operator Class is approximately 150 hours of coursework and hands on training. And you work at your own pace and schedule. We have open enrollment - which means you can start upon registration and payment.
The maximum time limit is 24 weeks, however average completion time is 8-12 weeks.
The Robotics Class is a 52 hour - which consists of 20 hours or eLearning and 32 hours of hands on 4 day class. Contact us for options and to get enrolled, classes are usually offered every 2 weeks.