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Welcome to


This facility is complete with a range of exercise equipment, including treadmills, recumbent bicycles, elliptical cross trainer, stair stepper, weight circuit equipment, and free weights. The fitness center is directed to be a safe and hygienic workout environment for members only.

This facility is designed to benefit our students, staff and community members providing weight and cardiovascular exercise equipment.  Our goal is to provide a place to build and maintain a healthy lifestyle in Hudson, MI.  A healthy body leads to a healthy mind and the best version of yourself starts now! Get in shape and feel great at HUDSON FITNESS!

Mr. Horwath at or 517-448-1413, ext. 457

Mr. Horwath at or 517-448-1413, ext. 457

Step 1: Click on "Membership Applicaiton" button. Submit Google form.
Step 2: Return to Hudson Fitness website.
Step 3: Click on "Pay Now - Via Paypal" button. Submit membership payment.
Step 4: Call 517-448-1413 ext. 458 to set up a time to pick up your key fob.

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Contact Us


3970 Munson Hwy.

Hudson, Michigan 49247


Phone - 517.448.1413 ext. 458

Fax - 517.448.1414


Fitness Center Hours

Mon - Fri


4:00 am –12:00 am

4:00 am – 12:00 am


4:00 am – 12:00 am

Located at the SMCSI building in

Hudson, Michigan 

Entrance to fitness center is off of

Munson Hwy. on the east side of the building.

Mission Statement - Southern Michigan Center for Science and Industry’s objective is to provide opportunities for careers in engineering, sales, manufacturing and advanced manufacturing to improve student performance and workplace readiness by providing 21st century education and training using blended learning with utilization of technology.

It is the policy of the Hudson Area Schools that no person shall, on the basis of sex, color, national origin, or handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in employment or in any of its programs or activities.



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