Southern Michigan
550 E. Main Street
Hudson, Michigan 49247
Office 517.448.1413
Fax 517.448.1414
Through problems that engage and challenge, students explore a broad range of engineering topics, including mechanisms, the strength of materials and structures, automation, and motion.
Principles of Engineering
What type of engineer or engineering technologist would you like to be?
Principles of Engineering (POE) is a foundation course within the high school engineering pathway. Students develop skills in problem solving, research, and design while learning strategies for design process documentation, collaboration, and presentation.
Course Outline
Unit 1 - Energy and Power - Introduction to mechanisms, energy sources, and alternative
energy applications. Students will gain an understanding of mechanisms through the
application of theory-based calculations accompanied by lab experimentation.
Unit 2 - Materials and Structures - Gaining concrete understanding of engineering through materials properties and statics. Students will identify forces acting on those structures and then gain the ability to calculate internal and external forces acting on a structure.
Unit 3 - Control Systems - To control mechanical systems by recognizing computer outputs and gaining an understanding of how to write code to control them. Students additionally experiment with various input devices and learn how they can adapt computer code to control computer outputs.
Unit 4 - Statistics and Kinematics - Students are engaged in learning to use statistics to evaluate an experiment. Theoretical and experimental data will be used to track a statistical analysis.